Shuja Nawaz Discusses Pakistan’s Pleas

Highlight - Nawaz

Shuja Nawaz, director of the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center, was recently featured on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation podcast “The Sunday Edition.”

The slow response to the Pakistan floods has been blamed on Pakistan’s so-called “image problem” and that may be true. But on the other side of that coin, many observers have suggested that the disaster presents the west – particularly the U.S. – with the opportunity to make political gains in a strategically-important part of the world where the Americans themselves have the “image problem.” On top of that, inside Pakistan, nearly every side of the fractured poltical and military power structure has an interest in appearing to be one delivering help – and in discrediting opponents. In the podcast, Nawaz provides his take on these issues.

For audio and a text description of the segment featuring Nawaz, please click here.

This highlight is part of the series Pakistan Floods: Hope from Tragedy. To find a series description and links to related posts, please click here.