Quoted in article in Daily Times, Pakistan.
Category Archives: In the Media
Analysis on Pakistan and Afghanistan
For Naya Daur channel in Urdu. Sunday July 4, 2021
Virtual Event | US-Pakistan Relations after US Withdrawal from Afghanistan – The Media Line
A gay Muslim’s journey to acceptance
A conversation with author Mohsin Zaidi
Panel on India-Pakistan relations for Stratglobal show Talking Point
I discussed recent developments in the region with two Indian commentators and the host Amitabh Revri today June 25, 2021.
Pakistan Army: A disciplined institution
Quoted in an opinion piece on Pakistan army in The Nation, Pakistan.
Is the US-Pakistan misalliance doomed? – Daily Times
Infocus – 30 May 2021 | Is Pakistan ready after the withdrawal of US army from Afghanistan?
Panel discussion with Fahd Hussain of Dawn News TV on Afghanistan and Pakistan. With Maleeha Lodhi and Adil Najam.
The Heat: U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan | CGTN America
Speaking on CGTN program The Heat in the US withdrawal from Afghanistan May 5.
Shuja Nawaz on U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan
Interview with Roee Ruttenberg of CGTN on Afghanistan.